Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Jokes

Monday was Maya's turn to tell jokes, and she had the perfect audience in her good friend, Sophia.

Sophia went first but I can't remember Sophia's joke because Maya's was so good.

Here it is:

"Knock Knock," she started.
"Who's there?"
"Peach," Maya answered.
"Peach who?"
"Peach aren't you glad I didn't say orange."

Harharharha ha ha.

Well, Maya laughed. Sophia looked a bit confused for a few seconds before she joined in the laughter.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

On his first day of first grade.

Guillermo is in First Grade. Just writing that made me feel a little wimpy, but I sent Guillermo to school this morning without a tear so I think I'm entitled to watery eyes right now.

He seemed pretty happy to go and that was a bit surprising, though he had made a few comments recently indicating he was more excited then I had expected. When I crawled down into his fort this morning (next to the tent in his room, I might add), he begged "Just a few more minutes?" When I told him him not today, it was a school day, he begged for just one more minute. I agreed, walked out and heard him crawl out and start putting on his clothes right away. He came into the kitchen all smiles ... of course it was chocolate chip banana bread day.

So, what's different about this year versus last? The main thing is I didn't even take him to school. He and Will rode their bikes. Also, extra clothes in case of an accident weren't on first grade supply list like they were for kindergarten. That makes me a little nervous. But, it doesn'tmatter that much. I packed all of Guillermo's school supplies in his backpack last night l only to find them in his backpack this afternoon after school. He had forgotten to get them out of his bag.

He didn't offer up too many details of his day, but said it was fun. Lucky for me, I'm friends with the mother of one of Guillermo's classmates, a girl. She's already talking, and I'm catching up on all the classroom gossip.

Monday, August 23, 2010

You're the joker

Guillermo was trying out his jokes on Maya again today.

"What's your name?" he asked her.
"What's this?" he asked, pointing to his nose.
"What's in my hand?" he said, holding out his hands with nothing in it.
"Oh, Maya knows nothing," he cracked and they both laughed, even though they had heard the joke over and over again. Maya has even attempted the joke herself, though she usually stumbles a bit over the words.

He tried another one:
"What's your name?" he asked her.
"Maya," she answered.
"How do you spell it?" he asked.
She paused. "M-A-Y-A"
"No, how do you spell IT?" ha ha ha ha ha.

Last one:
"What's your name?" (maya)
"What is color of the sky?" (blue)
"What's the opposite of down?" (up)
"Maya Blew Up! Get it!" Harhar harhar ha ha

"Oh Guillermo, you are the joker," Maya said laughing. And then she caught herself.
"I mean you tell funny jokes. You're not the Joker. He's not funny!"

Summer of Pokemon

I thought this would be the summer of four square. Guillermo came home from the end of last year ready to play. We bought a ball, played a few games, and then Guillermo sat on the ball, deformed it and our game playing suddenly slowed.

Instead, this year turned out to be the Summer of Pokemon, with Will leading the way. Guillermo started getting into Pokemon last winter, but it was horrible to play with him. We didn't know what we were doing, and neither did he, but he and his friends had come up with a game based on a bunch of different rules they had come up with. The problem was, the rules always changed and Guillermo always won.

Will got tired of it, so he read the game the instructions (RTFM is one of his favorite sayings). And, he started playing and he liked it. So, after our summer vacation to Florida, we bought Will his own Pokemon deck. And soon, one of Guillermo's friends kept coming over to play Pokemon, with Will. I even learned the rules, but I'm still not that good.

Maya would watch and now she knows the names of the Pokemon characters, too. In fact, over the weekend, Will and Guillermo bought Maya her own pack of Pokemon cards, too. She was so excited that after we played a tag team match the other night, she replaced the jewelry in her jewelry box with her Pokemon cards.

Guillermo goes back to school on Wednesday. I don't know how much he is looking forward to it, but I know he does love his new backpack and lunchbox. It's Pokemon, of course.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Can We Go To School?

Guillermo hasn't been too excited for school to start. He has spent the summer running around with one of his friends from the neighborhood and playing Pokemon.

But school starts Wednesday and today I got a call from his new teacher, who wanted to introduce herself. Usually the school posts class lists but this year some of the teachers are calling parents. It was a nice surprise and the teacher sounded really sweet. I don't know much about her but a friend of mine said nice things about her.

I told Guillermo tonight and he was pretty excited, at least for a minute before he turned his attention back to Will, who was playing DS. But he must have been a little more excited than I thought because tonight, when he and Maya were running errands with me, he asked me to stop by the school. "I've never seen the sun go down at the school," he said.

We didn't see the sun go down at the school, but we did get a few good games of tag in before we returned home. And, we even played tag on the first grade playground.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You are Beautiful

My sparkly girl

I came home last night around 9 p.m., after being gone the night before for work, and found Maya wide awake, waiting for me. "Oh mommy, I'm so glad you are home! Will you come sleep with me?"

I laid down with her and chatted for a bit before I told her it was time to try to sleep. She closed her eyes, but had a big grin on her face. I snapped my eyes shut just as she opened hers to check on me. Then I heard this:

"Mommy, you are beautiful when you sleep. You are so sparkly."

I snuggled her a little closer, but it just made her giggle. It made me giggle, too.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

On our way to ballet the other day, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" came on the radio. I turned it on and told Maya to listen. She loved it.

Later, I was singing the song at home so Will found the song on YouTube and we played it for her. I was a little surprised at how much fun I was having sharing the song with her, but the best part came at the end of the song.
"Girls DO just want to have fun, mom. Really they do," Maya said.

Later, I heard her singing the song in the other room. But, then it wasn't so much fun when I heard her mimicking me singing "Material Girl" because I heard her sing "Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me, I think they're OK."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Look at this Canon

I met Will, Guillermo and Maya at Guillermo's t-ball game yesterday. I arrived as Guillermo's team was warming up on the field.

Guillermo shouted at me as he got ready to throw the ball to Will.
"Hey mom, check out this canon!" and he fired the ball to Will. (It was a good throw!)

"You sound like Big Papa," I shouted back, and Guillermo beamed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

900 kisses

My mother is here this week, spending the days with the kids (and it's GREAT!) She got Guillermo to practice the front crawl and the breast stroke at the pool yesterday. Today, she took the kids out to lunch (cheeseburger pizza for Guillermo), to the movies (Cats and Dogs) and then shopping at Target (to exchange Snow White for Ariel for Maya). Guillermo tried to teach her Pokemon and Maya wanted to show off to Ya Ya her sparkly shoes.

And, yesterday, Ya Ya overheard Guillermo try out his sly negotiating skills. He told Maya that he would give 900 kisses if she would let Ya Ya read Harry Potter to him first, before Ya Ya read Princesses aren't Perfect to Maya. Unfortunately, it didn't work for him. But, it was a good effort.