Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've been tagged

Amy tagged me. Here goes.

5 Things...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago...

1. I was working at The Associated Press.
2. I lived in St. Louis with my sister.
3. I visited Will in Rolla, Mo., frequently.
4. Jogged and worked out nearly every day.
5. Spent a lot of time at the pool.

5 Things on Today's To-Do List:

1. Laundry
2. Go for a jog
3. Buy Maya a sleeping bag
4. Return videos
5. Make Christmas lists (yes, I know, I know ...)

5 Treats I enjoy:

1. Brownies
2. Cake
3. Cookies
4. Hot chocolate
5. Wheat Thins

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire: (I think I am cramming to many things into one number).

1. Donate a lot more to the American Lung Association, Pan-CAN, and other organizations.
2. Visit home more often.
3. Buy homes for my family to live or vacation in near me.
4. Build another home on the lot I live on now, plus pay off the mortgages of my parents, sister, and father-in-law, and set up college funds for my kids and niece and nephew.
5. Hire a chef and a personal trainer.

5 Places I have lived (Here are a few)

2. Austin, Texas
3. Germantown Hills, Ill.
4. Pleasant Valley, Iowa
5. Granada, Spain

5 Places I have worked:

5 People I tag:

1. Di
3. Beth (I miss your blogs!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's fun to see your responses! Does this mean I have to do it on my blog?