Saturday, January 10, 2009

Terrible Twos?

Maya has been a bear this week. 

She's had lots of morning meltdowns, evening meltdowns, and midday defiance. Yesterday, during lunch at Pat's house, she started crying and when I asked why she could barely get it out. "Pat called me a baby." Pat did call Maya a baby, but in an affectionate way. 

There could be a few reasons she's acting up. First, Big Papa (Will's father) and Tia Jen left Monday. She adores them both and loved all the attention she got from them. Will was back at work more, too. And, I was busy with some freelance work this week so I couldn't give her the extra attention she could have probably used. 

Second, she's 2.5 and so far hasn't put us through the terrible twos. I'm afraid it's starting. Thursday, for instance, I picked out a dress for her wear because she loves to wear "dancing dresses" these days. "No! Princess dress!" she demanded, pointing to her dress up clothes. I told her she couldn't wear a princess dress to drop Guillermo off at school. She started crying and screaming. 

Yesterday, she was eating crackers while she sat on the counter next to me while I was preparing dinner.  (Yes, I know it's not safe.) I picked her up, danced with her in the kitchen, gave her a kiss and then put her on the ground. She immediately started crying because she wanted back up. I handed her the crackers and she threw them on the floor. She picked them up when I asked her to, but then broke them in her hands and threw them back on the floor. She stopped her tantrum only when she saw that I was looking at a cake decorating book that she loves. 

Guillermo's terrible twos lasted two years. I hope these don't, but at least I know what to expect.  


jeninphx said...

oh no! and in that picture she looks so sweet and innocent...maybe it was just a bad week?? you can always send her to her tia jen...hang in there sweetie!!
miss you all!!

Maternal Mirth said...

Good thing she's a girl. I have two boys (& a girl who's not yet 2, so she's not in the bracket) and they are 4 and 11 ... both apparently STILL going through their terrible twos...