Monday, March 9, 2009

Treasure, Treasure, We are Finding Treasure

Guillermo, Maya and I had another fun day in this beautiful 80-degree, breezy weather. Today, we went to the North Carolina Botanical Garden and played for four hours. 

We started off at the story time chairs, where we each made up stories. Guillermo likes this part of our visits the best. My story was about a knight who was turned into a frog and croaked like the frogs at the garden. His story was about Spiderman and Venom. Maya attempted a story about a cat named Dog Bone (which isn't really a nice name for a cat) and his friends, Carrots the elephant and Fleagle or Sally the cat.

Later, we went on a hike at the garden nature trails and ended up on the banks of creek for nearly an hour. I'm not sure we were supposed to be there, but Guillermo and Maya had so much fun. First, they tried to make boats out of sticks, and when that mostly failed, they found leaves and sent them sailing down the water. Later, they threw rocks in the creek. They were the cannons and I was the cannon loader. Last, we built a sand castle and a "government," both surrounded by moats. Maya was pretty happy, singing "Treasure, treasure, we are finding treasure" on the beach. Later, she discovered that the creek water "helps make sure my hands don't get dirty" and would run her hands in the sand and then wash them off, over and over and over again. 

We finally hiked the rest of the trail. When we came to a huge hill of steps, I tried to convince them we were explorers, hiking up the stairs to pyramids. Guillermo had a better idea. We were secret agents, he said, and once we were armed with our weapons (each of us carried a stick) we were to talk only in hushed voices. I love that game!


Anonymous said...

You do so many fun things to foster the kids' creativity. I bet they had a ball. I would love to hear their stories.

persian_austinite said...

Sounds like so much fun! You're a fun mom, Natalie. :)