Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maya's Christmas Program

Maya's Christmas program was last week. It was super cute. Her class wore paper elf hats and "sang" several Jingle Bells and several other songs in the church santuary. Maya sat in the front, right next to one of her best friends, and sang, or tried to sing, the whole time. She was so pleased with herself when she finished.

After the program, the children left the church sanctuary first and were going to serve the parents cookies as a thank you but when we arrived in the party room, we found the all the kids carrying plates of cookies back to their own chairs. For her part, Maya did get three cookies so she could share one (only one) with me. :) Later, she presented me with a present she made at her school, a paper snowflake ornament with her picture on it. It is adorable and so is the wrapping paper she decorated with red heart and green Christmas tree stamps. I love her school.

1 comment:

michelle t said...

I'm so glad you like UCP. I love both of these pictures of Maya!