Maya and Guillermo started school last week. Maya started kindergarten! She went to a half day of orientation on Friday and came out looking a little sad. I took her to a coffee shop and we shared a cookie. She perked up and revealed that her day had been pretty good, aside from the girl standing in line in front of her, who turned around and made devil horns and a scary face at her "for NO reason!"
She seemed to have a great day today. It was her first full day and she went in feeling pretty good. She came out looking a little sad, but that went away when she saw one of her best friends and they took off running to play behind the school. She told me tonight that her favorite part was nap time and recess, oh and lunch and story time (her teacher read "The Night Before Kindergarten") but please, she asked me, don't pack a banana for snack every day.
Guillermo has had a smooth return back to school. He has a wonderful teacher who gave him a research project about his name. He discovered at school that his name is not so popular, is from Spanish descent and means protector. His job at home was to figure out who came up with the name, the story behind his name, why he likes his name and what his name would have been if he had been a girl (Isabel).
Our return to school couldn't have come fast enough. Guillermo and Maya had had enough of each other by the last week. Check out their doors.