Monday, February 27, 2012


G's Lego obsession hasn't subsided. In fact, it seems to be growing and growing and growing.

That's a bunch of Lego dudes

I can't complain about Legos, though. It keeps him busy and his teacher says they help bring out his leadership qualities when, on Fun Friday, he sort of leads the other kids who head to the Lego table.

This just makes me giggle

A Wish

I forgot to post this earlier

Here is Maya at First Night Raleigh, making a wish on the feather of an owl ... She wished for a pet hamster. Poor girl, that wish is never coming true.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today is a Good Day

Today is a really good day, at least so far.

While Will is picking up his new car (more on that when the car arrives), I am home with the kids on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I inflated the bouncy house for Maya, while Guillermo played with a friend.

Then, she and I and a neighbor went in the woods behind our house to see the boys' fort and then walked with with the boys deeper in the woods. The boys wanted to come home a different way than us, so I left Maya! with them and came home with the neighbor. It turned out OK. When I went in the back yard, there they were, back in their fort.

Maya came in a little bit later for a quick break. They were playing a game. The boys were the guards and she, of course, was the princess.

"It's being a really good day out there," Maya said. "And mom, you know what. I am the only one who found a slug, a dirty brown slug. We are pretending it's my magical healing power."