Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chia Pets

So, you can see from this picture that Maya's chia pet is slowing getting its "hair" in. Slowly.

And, Guillermo's, well, his has some crazy hair.

As Guillermo likes to say each morning when he looks at his chia pet "What the ???" Maya will pipe in right away "What the heck?" The other day they had a discussion about which was the best way to use that phrase. They couldn't agree so now Guillermo says "What the?" and Maya adds the "heck" to her exclamation.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maya's Songs

I need to do a better job of writing some of these things down. Maya sings about what she is doing all the time.

The other day, she was singing this:

"I am Maya, the Guillermo Catcher Superhero." She then paused and pointed to Guillermo. "You are a menact." He ignored her and luckily didn't correct her mispronunciation, and she pretended to fly away. Later, she sang "I am Maya, the Fetcher."

Today, she convinced me to let her wear her "favorite dress in the world" to school (a sun dress that she never paid much attention to before). She went to brush her teeth in the bathroom. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she sang "My teachers are going to say this is a very pretty dress. Yes, they are. I am pretty. Now I am going to brush my teeth."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Earth Day Chia Pets

Homemade Chia Pets. Maya's is in yellow, Guillermo's is in orange.

We went to an Earth Day celebration last weekend and the kids came home with homemade Chia pets. They are adorable. You fill pantyhose with grass seeds, add dirt (smells like coffee grounds), tie it up, set it in the bottom of a plastic bottle that has been cut. Decorate. Add water and watch them grow. Guillermo's is already starting to sprout some hair. I'll post pictures when the hair really grows.

The festival also featured a show by Paperhand Puppet Intervention. We had never seen them before and the show was great. The puppets are amazing.

Paperhand Puppet Intervention

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Star Wars Obsessed

Last night I heard Guillermo talking in his sleep, no panic at all in his voice. This is what he said:

"It blew up! It blew up!"


"How did he do it?"
"Did he use the Death Star or something?"

He then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Terrific Kid

Guillermo, at the awards ceremony.

The third quarter awards ceremony was held at Guillermo's school today and he was honored with a character award. His certificate says "in recognition of demonstrating a positive attitude, good character and responsible citizenship." Maya and I were in the audience and he was pretty pleased. All the honorees were called to the stage and when they returned to their seats on the gym floor, his classmates gave him high-fives. Tonight we celebrated by going out for sushi, his choice.

Now, he wants me to stick a "I'm Proud of my Terrific Kid" sticker on my car. Hmmm, I'm proud of him, for sure, but I definitely don't want the bumper sticker on my car.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunshine

Cheek to cheek.

Easter marks the end of Spring Break and I'm a little sad to see it end. We have had a wonderful, relaxing week at home. We had lots of playdates, bike rides, hikes and family time. Guillermo's highlight was a trip to the Lego store, where he picked up two new sets. Maya's favorite was probably a trip to get Loco Pops.

Today, they really loved hunting for Easter Eggs. We waited until after church to search for them and boy were they ready for the hunt. After that, it was a chocolate fest at our house that culminated with our Sunday sundaes.
And, he's off!

Showing off her Easter dress.

On Two Wheels

Look at him go!

Guillermo can ride a two-wheeler! Hooray! He's been practicing the past few weeks and he really stepped things up this weekend. He circled our cul de sac three times in a row tonight. Last night, he went about half way around before he stopped. He also learned how to skid when he stops. "How many sparks did you see, Papa?" he asks each time.