Saturday, April 28, 2012


"What did you learn at school today? I asked Maya the other day in the car.

"Nothing." She answered.

"Nothing? Are you sure?" I asked.

"The other kids may have learned something, but I didn't."

Monday, April 23, 2012


Guillermo is learning about poems at school and is really enjoying it. At dinner tonight he told us all about the different kinds of poems and said he had already written a poem, a Haiku, for Poem in Your Pocket Day, later this week.

He couldn't quite remember it all when he went to recite it so he started again, using owls as the main subject again. Here is the final project"

Owls Hahoo

I saw an owl that
said haiHOO on a tree branch
then I fell asleep.

He also recited another poem he made up, a list poem, "where you list things and then have a word at the end."


Battle droids

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Earthy Day and Egg Hunts

Spring Break, Day Four & Five

Our big event Thursday was the watching The Lorax, which the kids loved. After the movie, they went off to playmates and I cleaned off my desk. I took Guillermo to baseball practice to find there was no baseball practice so we headed to the library and the kids chased each other outside the mall for a good while before we headed home.

We went to the Farm's Easter Egg hunt on Friday. The Farm hosts the event every year but this was our first time going. It was fun, but Maya was disappointed by that she found just five eggs and didn't find the golden egg. Guillermo was in the group with the oldest kids and didn't fare much better, but he seemed OK. We went to Target to browse in the Lego aisle for awhile. That evening, we went to Pat's house for pizza, a movie and then a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt outside. So fun!! We put glow stick bracelets in the eggs and they lit up in the yard.

It's unreal how much chocolate we have at our house right now!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cardinals' Opener

Spring Break, Day Three:

Day Three is reserved for the Cardinals! It was the season opener for the World Series Champs and the big event on our schedule for the day was watching the game as a family.

We were lazy most of the day. The kids stayed in their pajamas until we left for Guillermo's 11:30 a.m. haircut. After the appointment, we went out for coffee and vanilla steamers and that was about the extent of our day until the big game.

We watched the game at a bar and Will thought to print out a scorecard for Guillermo to track the game. Maya seemed excited to go out, but when she finished eating, she was quick to want to leave. She and I headed out, while the boys stayed to watch the Cardinals beat Miami 4-1.

Go Cardinals

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Paddle Boats

On the fifth day of Spring Break, we headed east again, this time to Raleigh, to the Lego store and Pullen Park. Both kids had been saving their money and couldn't wait to unload it. The end result: A new friend's set, the outside bakery, for Maya (plus a wedding cake topper set) and an X-Wing fighter for Guillermo.

Afterward, we headed to Pullen Park for paddle boats. We had a long wait, but the end result was worth it (though Maya definitely needs more steering lessons!).

A Day at the Beach

Hooray! We are at the beach!

Spring Break, Day 2: We took a day trip to Wrightsville Beach on Tuesday and I am so glad we went. After dropping our gear on a spot in the sand, G and M raced to the water, the cold, cold water. Guillermo didn't mind it at all, but Maya hung back a bit (I snapped the picture above right as we arrived).

Throughout the day, we made three sandcastle villages decorated with seashells, only to have the water wash over and destroy each of them. The kids didn't seem to mind too much. They turned it into another battle game. At one point, both kids threw sand at the waves approaching the castle, trying to defeat the enemy. Guillermo played a lot in the water, getting soaked to his head. He tried to urge me in as well. I hate to be holdout when Guillermo and Maya want me to play, but I couldn't get in past ankle-deep. That water was cold. Toward the end of the day, we walked to the pier and then headed back home. I am so happy we took the time to spend a day at the beach.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break!

Ready for attack
Day 1:

Our first day of Spring Break. We are having an easy week at home this week because next week we travel to St. Louis for Tia's wedding! I'm trying to find something fun, out-of-ordinary for us to do each day, to try to make this week special.

Today, we went to the Botanical Gardens. I insisted on a hike through the woods first. In typical fashion, Guillermo turned our hike into a military operation and the strangers in front of us were the targets. They never figured it out, but we took them down!

Guillermo, showing Maya how to hold her weapon.