Monday, August 18, 2008


Will was in a rare mood today, eager to talk about his day. Normally I ask "What happened at work today?" and get a short "It was busy" response. It's like he's preparing me for the response I'm going to get in a few years from my kids. Oh wait. Half the time, when I ask Guillermo he did at school he grumbles "I can't remember."

Anyway, Will was telling me about a meeting he had and I, half listening as we put dinner on the table, said "Next time you should just stand up and say "Ya'll are a bunch of suckas" and walk out." I, the unemployed one in the family, cracked up. Will was a little confused. "Which side would I say that to?" he asked. "It doesn't matter. All of them."

Just for good measure, I said "Y'all are a bunch of suckas" a few more times throughout the evening to my own laughter, and no one else's. Except it seems Maya was listening. 

Later, I heard her say "I suck." "I suck, papa."

I know I should feel bad, but I can't stop laughing.

1 comment:

JohnJohn said...

Oh, man. I definitely cracked up at your idea! I'm so using that line in my next research group meeting. Or better yet, I'm going to do this at the next lame colloquium talk I have to sit through. The speaker will be all, "Um, as you can, um, see from this figure. Wait, it doesn't show up on this overhead, but if you could see it..." I'll be like, "Y'all a bunch of suckas!" and I'll storm out and get some damn work done. Suckas!