Monday, February 15, 2010


We had a sweet Valentine's Day weekend. It really started Thursday, with Maya's class party and then spilled over to Friday, with Guillermo's party. On Saturday, a local Brownie troop was hosting a Valentine's Day event called "Hearts for Haiti." They charged $1 for every Valentine you made and they had a ton of supplies to make them. Georgette, the stuffed animal monkey, is visited us this weekend from Maya's preschool and we had a fun showing her around our house.

On Sunday, we had a sweet breakfast celebration: pink, heart-shaped M&M pancakes. Guillermo and Maya opened a few gifts from Ya Ya and grandpa. We gave G & M a few games and a few chocolates, including the cutest little strawberry and chocolate lovebug. Then we played. I took Guillermo to a birthday party and Will took his littlest Valentine out for lunch (at a pub).

Maya loving up her new heart blanket.

Celebrate Valentine's Day with a Ben 10 Alien Force Lego Spider Monkey.

Georgette can't take it anymore. She wants that lovebug.


Anonymous said...

Glad the kids liked their Valentine's Day presents. What fun to have Georgette come to your house. Bet Maya loved bringing her home for the weekend.

Michelle said...

You are such a good mom, Natalie. The kids will have the best memories of all of the special things you (and Will) did for them. Glad you had a good day!