Monday, July 28, 2008

Stylin' Guillermo

Guillermo, hamming it up. 
Look out!

Check out the Style section of today's News & Observer. You'll find a picture of normally camera-shy Guillermo hamming it up for an article called "Fashion, frugal, fun."

That's the real reason we were in Raleigh last week. My friend, Sarah, who runs the Trianglemom2mom Website, where I'm a featured blogger, sent out a note asking if we knew of any kids who might want to pose for the newspaper. We jumped at the chance. We're always looking for something new to do, and well, Guillermo's never had his picture in the newspaper. He normally detests having his picture taken, too, but I figured he'd like being in a studio, with the cool lights and a professional photographer. I was right. He had so much fun, so much fun in fact, that I stopped watching so I could talk to a friend.  

Guillermo was most excited about the prospect of having his picture in the newspaper. He said he wants to pick up copies to show his teacher. The best part of the photo shoot is that the Style editor said she'd send me a disc with all the pictures on it. If only they had needed a 2-year-old, too, I'd have my Christmas cards taken care of. 


Di said...

He looks adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

You should have "accidentally" let Maya wander into the shot, so you could get that Christmas picture ...

blackink said...

He's quite the model. You and Will make good-looking babies, I must say.