Sunday, March 8, 2009

Llama Llama, Mad at Mama

Chasing llamas

A nearby goat farm opened its doors to the public today and we went to check it out. It was a perfect day, too. 80 degrees and just a little windy.

On the way there, Maya was so excited for the chance to see the baby goats, but she found a new favorite animal instead: Chickens. She chased chickens all over the farm today, and had a great time doing it. She even got close enough to pet them, and once even tried to pick one up. There were a lot of baby goats, and they kids petted them as well. And, finally in another field stood a group of llamas. Maya had no fear, and went chasing after them. Guillermo followed behind for a bit. The llamas stood still for awhile but they took off running when she got close. I think she chased them out of sight for the rest of the day. 

We ran into Guillermo's friend and his father, so Guillermo had a great time, too. The boys played on the rope swing and swung around croquet mallets. The kids fell asleep on the way home and for dinner we had goat cheese omelettes. Yummm.

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