Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Vacation

Over the next few days, I’ll be posting photos from our vacation at my parent’s house in Illinois. We had a great time. I love summer there. This year, we planned our trip to coincide with my father’s 60th birthday. My sister and her family were there, too, which made it extra special. (Get ready, we took more than 500 pictures in our 10-day trip!)

My mother and father at my father's 60th birthday party.

We arrived Friday afternoon and the kids immediately fell into step. My father had bought them each a flashlight, which they used to hunt for my parent’s two cats (poor kitties).

Saturday was my father’s birthday party and it was so fun. Lots of friends came to wish him a happy birthday and they kids were on their best behavior. They ran around the backyard and played soccer and they didn’t mind one bit that we didn’t serve cake until about 9 p.m. Shortly after that, we put them to bed and stayed up a little later to celebrate. The party was especially fun for me because a few of my parents’ friends from our old neighborhood in Iowa drove down for the celebration. It was wonderful hearing some great stories about my parents. Just as fun was watching everyone look at the various photographs of my father that we scattered on the dining room table. I wish we still owned a scanner. Here are some current photos.

Guillermo and Will

Maya, hugging grandpa

A family photo


Christy Jett said...

Your parents look great! Sounded like a nice vacation. Good for you guys.

erinjohn said...

ya'll are too cute! glad the vacation was so much fun :) i'll have to pick your brain about long road-trips with little ones.