Sunday, September 20, 2009

Music Festival

Today was the annual Carrboro Music Festival. How amazing is it that a town with about 17,000 people can host a day-long music festival that has more than 160 performances at 24 venues?

Unfortunately, I saw only about three performances and of those, heard only about two songs from each. Guillermo and Maya love the music festival for its giant bouncy castle slide and caterpillar-shaped tunnel, it's crazy train and its freshly-squeezed lemonade. Maya likes the music, but only some of it, and Guillermo could care less.

Still, we had fun. Lots of fun. Will was sick in bed (a bad cold, I think) so I took the kids. The highlight for Maya was riding the train, three times! The highlight for Guillermo was seeing his teacher walking on the street while we rode the train. When we ended that ride, we chased her down, Guillermo on her tail for about a half a block before he finally caught up to her. He was so pleased!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like G really likes his teacher. How cute. That's what makes teaching worth it.