Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When I'm 3, I go to Preschool

Dancing and dress up, two of her favorite things.

Maya heads to preschool for her first day tomorrow. Finally! (her words, not mine, though I am happy to be getting some time to myself!)

She is so excited, and has been for months, telling everyone '"When I'm 3, I go to preschool." We made a calendar a few weeks ago to count down the days until Guillermo started kindergarten and she started preschool. She was so disappointed to see that she had to wait an extra week.

I love her new preschool. She'll go for three hours, three mornings a week. Her teacher sent an e-mail to parents a few weeks ago asking us to tell her about anything special in our children's lives, any likes, dislikes, etc. I told Maya this and then asked what I should tell her teacher she liked.

Maya thought it over a bit and then said "I like lunch and snacks."
That's my girl.
(My e-mail to the teacher said Maya likes butterflies, she has an older brother, Guillermo, and wants to be Super Girl when she grows up.)


Di said...

I had a friend who kept telling her daughter that she would go to Kindergarten when she was five. But, of course she turned five in April. So the morning of her birthday, she gets up and gets all dressed and ready and wants to go on the schoolbus with her brother!

They take things so literally!

Anonymous said...

You are my kind of girl!! I like lunch and snacks too. I'm looking forward to hearing about your first day of school.