Thursday, December 17, 2009

Homemade Ornaments

Maya's homemade christmas tree ornament - just what I was waiting for.

I love our Christmas tree and all of its ornaments. I love the glitter of the lights (and the mardi gras beads) and I love the memories the ornaments prompt. Late last week, however, I started to realize what our tree lacked (and it wasn't a Christmas tree topper because we don't have one and I'm never too interested in finding one). I realized the tree was missing homemade ornaments from Guillermo and Maya. We have a few beaded candy canes that G made a few years ago and a few decorated pine cones from a few years ago, but that is it.

What I want for my tree are kid-colored orange paper santa clauses or pink wreaths hanging on the tree by yarn. I remember my parent's tree always included ornaments my sister and I made when we were in preschool and kindergarten. I especially remember the upside down candle Julie made that we always giggled over when we hung it on the tree (near the back)

We didn't have any of those ornaments, or at least I couldn't find any, until yesterday. . Maya came home from preschool with an ornament shaped like a Christmas tree that she made out of green cardboard. She decorated it with shiny star stickers and beads. It's perfect and it's now hanging right in the front of the tree. And, the director of her school promises Maya will come home with lots more homemade ornaments after her Christmas extravaganza tomorrow!

1 comment:

Christy Jett said...

Aren't crafts the best! I love the tree Maya made. Emma made us presents at her school and they are wrapped in the tissue paper she painted and are sitting under the tree. I can't wait to open them :) Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. XOXOX