Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa's Lap

Maya and Guillermo finally saw Santa Claus this season. It was short and sweet visit at University Mall and unfortunately for me (and now you), my camera was out of batteries which forced me to fork over $16 for a 6x4 picture but I don't have a scanner so I can't share it with you.

Anyway, Maya asked for a paint set, which was what she originally had been asking for until last week when, inspired by a small box of chocolate in a gift bag for one of her teachers, she decided to pass on the paint set and just ask for chocolate. Now, she's hoping someone else in the family gets chocolate from Santa and she can just share but still enjoy her new paint set. And, paint set? I'm not sure where she came up with that idea but I'm sure Santa can oblige.

Guillermo said he asked for Legos, any kind of Legos (though he later said he didn't want the Lego city set, unless its the police car). He really wants this Lego Death Star set, but if I were to guess, he'll have to settle for this one instead.

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