Thursday, December 10, 2009

O Christmas Tree

We decorated the Christmas tree the other night and now it looks beautiful!

My Christmas tree ornaments mean a lot to me. Each year since I was young, my parents gave me one to reflect whatever was going on in my life and Will and I have passed this tradition on to our kids. This year, for instance, we bought Guillermo an ornament of a black belted-Santa doing martial arts because Guillermo is taking Akido and wants to be a ninja when he grows up. Maya is getting a mouse holding the number 4 because this is her fourth Christmas and she loves to find the numbered ornaments from years past.

Even though the ornaments mean a lot, I was determined not to stress out with the kids helping me decorate the tree. I wasn't thinking last year and let them open ornament boxes to get out their ornaments. That resulted in several torn boxes and a very stressed me. This year I made the rule that I open the boxes and they hang the ornaments. It resulted in a relaxed me, happy kids and a few branches heavy with a large concentration of ornaments. Still, it looks beautiful. And it was so fun to hear the kids marvel at the treasures they put on the tree. Maya likes the marshmallow snowman and Guillermo loves the ornament we picked up in San Antonio one year of Santa Claus in a saddle holding a gun (nice Christmas spirit we have!).

What we do need more of, I have to say, is homemade ornaments from G and M. Now I know what they will be doing during their winter break.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are making memories with the kids. It is fun thinking of the theme of the ornament for each child from year to year. It's fun for the parents to look back and remember each child's interest at the time.

Michelle said...

Natalie, You look gorgeous! What great pictures.