Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Guillermo

Blowing out the candles on his Lego cake.

Admiring the stacks of Pokemon cards Maya picked out for him.

YES!! He loves his new DS.

Guillermo couldn't wait for school today. All week long his class job has been to be the fish tail, you know, stand at the end of the line. Today on his birthday, he thought he would get to be the front, and even more important, he thought he would get to be first in line to the cafeteria because he was getting school lunch. It turns out, he was second in line all day, but he said it didn't bother him. "You know, some people are sensitive if you cut in line."

I love my kids birthdays and how excited they get because of them.

After school as a special treat, we picked up Guillermo's best friend from his afterschool program and they played at home for awhile before pizza, cake and presents. Maya picked out a large set of Pokemon cards for him and that captured his attention for quite awhile and he was pretty pleased with the Cardinals jersey my parents sent him. But when he opened the DS Will and I bought him, we lost him for the rest of the night. He played Lego Star Wars until bedtime and I imagine he will play for quite awhile tomorrow, too. He gets unlimited play for a few more days before I start imposing some limits.

For now, he's happy to be six.


mommymae said...

happy happy birthday, g!!

and you'd better not tell my kids about that ds. we've told them they're too young.

Anonymous said...

Love the cake and of course Guillermo!

Christy Jett said...

Awesome cake! Happy Birhtday G - we love you!

And Mya we are so impressed on what a great sister you are :)

Must be from the great parents you have.