Friday, March 26, 2010

Two Kisses

I read to Guillermo's class today, but that's night why I'm writing. I'm writing because Guillermo gave me a kiss, at school, in front of his classmates and he didn't get grossed out.

Guillermo usually hates it when I try to give him a kiss, but he must have been in a good mood today. I was waiting in his classroom, ready to read a few books, when he and his classmates returned from gym class. Guillermo casually walked over to me, gave me a quick kiss on the lips and a hug and then sat down on the carpet.

After reading, I stayed to man the play dough station. Guillermo walked over, motioned that he was going to the computer station and then gave me another kiss, almost as if he were apologizing for not coming to play play dough.

I didn't press my luck tonight. Instead, I just gave him a good night hug. I think, though, that I'll volunteer in his class once a week from now on.


Michelle said...

So sweet!! Enjoy it while you can, right?

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Tell Buster that I want a kiss too.