Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

On his first day of first grade.

Guillermo is in First Grade. Just writing that made me feel a little wimpy, but I sent Guillermo to school this morning without a tear so I think I'm entitled to watery eyes right now.

He seemed pretty happy to go and that was a bit surprising, though he had made a few comments recently indicating he was more excited then I had expected. When I crawled down into his fort this morning (next to the tent in his room, I might add), he begged "Just a few more minutes?" When I told him him not today, it was a school day, he begged for just one more minute. I agreed, walked out and heard him crawl out and start putting on his clothes right away. He came into the kitchen all smiles ... of course it was chocolate chip banana bread day.

So, what's different about this year versus last? The main thing is I didn't even take him to school. He and Will rode their bikes. Also, extra clothes in case of an accident weren't on first grade supply list like they were for kindergarten. That makes me a little nervous. But, it doesn'tmatter that much. I packed all of Guillermo's school supplies in his backpack last night l only to find them in his backpack this afternoon after school. He had forgotten to get them out of his bag.

He didn't offer up too many details of his day, but said it was fun. Lucky for me, I'm friends with the mother of one of Guillermo's classmates, a girl. She's already talking, and I'm catching up on all the classroom gossip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy first day G. Hope all of your school days are fun.