Thursday, August 19, 2010

You are Beautiful

My sparkly girl

I came home last night around 9 p.m., after being gone the night before for work, and found Maya wide awake, waiting for me. "Oh mommy, I'm so glad you are home! Will you come sleep with me?"

I laid down with her and chatted for a bit before I told her it was time to try to sleep. She closed her eyes, but had a big grin on her face. I snapped my eyes shut just as she opened hers to check on me. Then I heard this:

"Mommy, you are beautiful when you sleep. You are so sparkly."

I snuggled her a little closer, but it just made her giggle. It made me giggle, too.


Anonymous said...

Awww! I love her!!!!!!

erinjohn said...

what a sweetheart! i got teary-eyed reading this post :) xoxo from cali.