Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Super kids, super heroes

So the other day, when I posted about Guillermo driving me crazy, well, I take it all back, at least for a few days. 

We had a wonderful day yesterday and it proves that a little organization before the day starts can make such a huge difference. I used to spend a lot of time coming up with activities for Guillermo and Maya in case they started getting restless. I've neglected that lately because of a lot of other things going on in my life right now, but over the weekend I came up with some new ideas. At the top of the list was making kid-size superheroes. 

Armed with markers, yarn, felt in all different colors, colored pencils, glitter glue and regular glue and butcher paper given to us from a friend, we went to work. I traced their bodies (Guillermo giggled so much and Maya kept his laughter going by repeatedly asking "Does it tickle, Memo? Tickle, Memo?") and then let them fill in the rest, sort of. 

Guillermo created Star Man with a weapon belt, sort of like Batman's utility belt, and tattoos up and down his arms and stomach. One of Star Man's hands is filled with stars to give him extra power. The other hand can create fire. I think Star Man can also shoot a laser from his forehead. Watch Out!

Maya created Super Maya. By the time we started decorating Super Maya, she wasn't so interested, but she did add glitter glue to Super Maya's clothes, fingernails and one foot. she also picked out the color pink for Super Maya's tank top. Plus, she took a red stamp to Super Maya's face. Regardless, she was pleased with the end result, especially the hair. "Ponytails!" she squealed when they were finished.

My next project: Getting Guillermo to make up a story about Star Man. Will keeps tellling me to write a book. Maybe I can get Guillermo to do it for me. Then we'll all be rich, rich, rich!

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