Here is Guillermo, after his first full day of kindergarten. I thought he might be exhausted but he was full of energy. We walked home from school by way of the woods.
Here is Maya, after Guillermo's first full day of kindergarten. She fell asleep on the way to pick up Guillermo, after a hard day of cupcake making and playing at the park and at our house with a friend.
Guillermo seemed to have a good day today. As usual, he didn't offer up too many details but this is what I was able to get out of him: After rest time, they had play time and he played with blocks and buttons and strings, he didn't nap at rest time, he didn't eat all of the snack I sent with him, he likes Pirates Booty, he sits at the rectangle table that is really shaped like a circle, and he sat next to a friend from preschool during lunch. And, they sang songs
I was so excited to pick him up from school today. We walked home through the woods and had a nice time collecting sticks and playing near a fort made out of vines. We even stopped at Storyville (a rock along the path where they sit while I tell them stories). When we finally made it out of the woods and onto our street he said:
"Do I have to go to school every day?"
"Yep," I answered.
"Oh man," he said.