Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

At his new school on kindergarten orientation.

He was so proud of his lunch tray.

Guillermo had his first day of kindergarten today. His day started with a classroom scavenger hunt and ended with lunch of pizza and chocolate milk. I'm pretty sure he wants to go back.

He went just two hours today for kindergarten orientation with half his class. The other half went yesterday. Thursday is his first full day.

I think he liked it, but a few times he seemed pretty unsure, like when he beckoned me to join him when his teacher called all the kindergartners to the carpet for a book, The Kissing Hand. (I held it together and did not let one tear fall, but it required several deep breaths and a lot of glances around the room, where I discovered I seemed to be the only emotional parent in class.) After the story, Will and I went to a parent meeting and the kids stayed behind with their teacher. We joined Guillermo for lunch in the cafeteria after the meeting. He seemed pretty pleased to be carrying his own lunch tray.

Will is going to take him to school tomorrow on the trail-a-bike. It will be Guillermo's first full day and you can bet I'll be waiting at his classroom door to pick him up when school ends tomorrow afternoon.

Goofing around before school!

1 comment:

mommymae said...

ack!!! your little boy looks huge!!! congrats! i was a mess the girls' first day.