Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Guillermo went on his first field trip today and his first school bus ride, too.

I, of course, tagged along as a chaperone, but only after I asked Guillermo if he wanted me to go with him and he responded by hugging me and shaking his head yes. (Sigh. I love kindergarten.)

The chaperones met in the classroom to receive our group assignments. I don't know why I was so surprised since Guillermo is a boy, but when I looked down and saw the names of the kids in my group I said, smiling, to the teacher's assistant: "Four boys? You gave me four boys?" "They are really nice boys," she conceded.

And they were. They were great. The field trip was to a pumpkin patch that Guillermo and I had been to before with Will and Maya. It has a corn maze, animals, cotton fields, a few fields of pumpkins, tractor rides, a hay structure that features tunnels and slides and more. I think my group liked exploring the corn maze and picking cotton the most, though they also had a great time on the hay slides and tunnels.

Guillermo is still recovering from feeling sick earlier in the week so by 11:15 a.m. he was wiped out, as was another boy in the group. The two others were ready to run so the hardest part was keeping all of us together and happy. And, finding the best pumpkins. We succeeded in all of that.

1 comment:

Christy Jett said...

Funny, I went to Emma's fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch too! Isn't it nice to share these little experiences with our children. Life is great! Miss you guys, but love reading about what is going on. HUGS