On our way to the Ugly Duckling
Today was a wonderful day with friends for Maya and I and bike riding for Will and Guillermo.
Pat and I took Maya and Sophia to see the
The Ugly Duckling Ballet (a story, I learned this week, that I don't think I really like). However, the ballet was beautiful. Maya loved the dancing, but more than that, she loved the costumes, especially the spring flowers and with their long ribbons, and, of course, the white, glittery swans. The show was a matinee filled with kids so it didn't matter that Maya spoke throughout much of it. She was enamored, even with the orchestra.
After the show, we walked through downtown Raleigh and had lunch and then wandered upon the Raleigh Chili festival, which featured face painting, a bouncy house and a photo booth, among other things (mainly booths of different restaurants offering up samples of their chili). Maya and Sophia picked unicorns for their face, had their pictures taken, bounced, and even picked up mardi gras beads, which they pretended were pet snakes. It really was a sweet day.