Wednesday, March 5, 2008

High heels

Maya in my black heels. 

Guillermo, in 2005, in the same pair of black heels. 

What is it about toddlers and other people's shoes? Maya loves all of my shoes, Guillermo's orange crocs, and Will's sandals. Really, she likes any shoes she can slip her little feet into, even if she's wearing her own shoes. It's so funny to hear her near the front door, struggling to get shoes that don't belong to her on her feet. "Shoose, shoose," she says. 

Guillermo was into shoes, too. One time at Target, when I was spending way too much time deciding which towels to buy for my bathroom, my mother distracted Guillermo in the shoe aisle. They spent a good 15 minutes there and he was game to try on any pair she gave him. Later, he went through a boot phase, where he insisted he wear his yellow dog boots everywhere he went. When he outgrew those, he switched to fire truck boots and he has ripped through two pairs of those. We're on the lookout for the next great pair.  

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love that Maya is into shoes at such a young age! I can't wait to introduce her to the Nordstrom's shoe department! She looks so grown up and just like Jen! What a little doll. I can't wait for Tony and Maya to play again! Tony will be fascinated with her and her shoose! Love you guys!
