Friday, February 6, 2009

An Extra Day of School

Guillermo has been going to preschool two full days a week for a few years now and today he adds an extra day to his schedule. 

He was so excited that when he came to my room this morning at 7 a.m. he was already dressed. Usually, Maya is the family's alarm clock, and sometimes Guillermo won't wake for another 30 minutes after she's awake. 

He's excited because not only does he get to go to school and play with his friends an extra day, but he also gets to go on Show-And-Tell day.  For weeks he's been excited about taking his Gustafter Yellowgold stuffed animal to show. Guillermo never remembers Gustafer's full name though, so we've saved the tag that came on Gustafer and Guillermo will take it to school so his teachers can help him if he gets stuck. 

I wish I could go! Instead, Maya and I will be making a giant chocolate chip cookie for a potluck tonight. We're decorating it with the number 100 in frosting in honor of the public school's 100th day of school today (Who knew this was such a big deal at schools these days?).


Anonymous said...

how exciting! and he'll be in kindergarten next year. oy. time flies.

Anonymous said...

"Gustafer" is hard even for some adults to say. (then, again, so is Guillermo!) But he'll get it.

He is so cute.