Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Preschool, Here We Come

Turns out, I didn't need to be that worried about my tardiness in signing Maya up for preschool (even though I don't think I was that tardy). One of the (FOUR) preschools I signed her up for called today to say she has a slot for the fall. Perfect. 

I'm not sure if the school is our top choice, but it has an added bonus that the others will not have. My good friend who lives just a mile away plans to send her daughter to the same preschool so I will have someone to carpool with each Tuesday and Thursday when we take our daughters to school.

I am so relieved. While many mothers struggle with going back to work and leaving their children at daycare (like I did with Guillermo), I used to feel a bit bad for Maya that she wasn't in preschool sooner. I got over that, but I had settled on 3 as the right age for Maya to start school. I'm so glad she'll get to go. 

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