Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Girl

Happy birthday, birthday girl.

Maya turned four on Saturday and boy was she proud. You see the smile above? She wore that for days before her birthday, telling everyone she saw, friends and strangers alike, that she was 3 and three-quarters years old. Now, she has a goofy, proud, giggly smile when she declares that she is 4.

Maya wanted a butterfly-themed birthday so we did it up. We gave the kids cardboard butterfly wings to decorate when they arrived at the party. Then, I read to them the "Hungry Little Caterpillar" and when it was over I had them crawl around the living room like they were caterpillars, find food to eat (from Maya's play kitchen) and then curl up in a cocoon (or as one kid said, raccoon). They burst out of their cocoons after we placed their butterfly wings on their backs. Then, we sent them outside to find baby butterflies we had hidden in the front yard. Back inside, they made butterfly necklaces, ate lunch (butterfly-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, etc.), cake, ice cream, then a pinata and the party was over. It was fun and chaotic, but Maya had a great time. Tonight, at bedtime, she asked if we could still say it was her birthday when she woke up on Monday. I wish it was.

Make a wish, butterfly.
A butterfly on the outside, a rainbow on the inside. (I am so pleased with how this turned out!)

Showing off the Silly Bandz that Guillermo gave her for her birthday.

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