Sunday, June 20, 2010

Legos and Ballarinas

Guillermo, a Lego-club member

After waiting for months, Guillermo finally attended his first Lego Club meeting on Saturday. The club meets a few Saturdays a month, an hour before the Lego store opens. The kids were given a huge pile of bricks and the new Toy Story III characters and told to build a contraption. He said he built a rocket to help Woody and Buzz escape from the school. Right before the meeting ended, the kids were allowed to roam the store before it opened. Guillermo loved it, especially because a crowd of people were waiting outside to get inside.

While Will and Guillermo were in Raleigh at the Lego meeting, I took Maya to her first ballet lesson. She had a great time, and I have to admit, it was really cute. They danced to different stories, and Maya's favorite, by far, was the birthday party dance. The dancers pretended to open presents. They received a baby, which they rocked, a pony that they rode around the studio, and a beautiful princess dress that they danced in. We practiced that at home after class. Of course, Maya found reason to cry after the lesson. "It was too short," she sobbed. "It didn't last long enough."

Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of Maya at ballet class. But, this is pretty cute, too.

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