Monday, June 7, 2010

Last Day in the Fish Class

A Smurf in the making.

I'm really overdue with this post, but Maya has finished her first year of preschool. As you can see from that smile, she had a great time.

The last day of the year at her school is Splash Day. The teacher set up an inflatable water slide, a kiddie pool, sprinklers and painting stations and the kids have a great time. Maya wouldn't dare go down the slide, she's not very adventurous, but she had a great time painting her hands and arms and the windows. She was reluctant to get in the kiddie pool and I would have been, too. The kids were painting with shaving cream and spraying it on themselves. They washed off by taking a dip in the pool, leaving shaving cream floating on the top. I heard from the teachers that Maya eventually jumped in. On the way out of school, she was ecstatic. "Guess what we had for snack? Ice cream AND cupcakes!"

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