Saturday, June 21, 2008


One of the first friends I met in North Carolina moved today. I didn't get a chance to tell her I still remember that day, when she introduced herself when I was pushing Guillermo in a stroller near her house and she was headed to the park with her family. I didn't get a chance to tell her that being a stay-at-home mom was so much easier and so much more fun because she was around. I didn't get a chance to tell her that I valued our friendship so much (but I've told her many times I hope she moves back here). I didn't tell her how much I would miss her and that Monday afternoon at the park would be lonely. I couldn't because when I hugged her goodbye I started to cry. And, I know that she knows all of that anyway. 

Guillermo, whose best friend moved today too, assured me we would be OK. "Soldiers don't cry," he said. We had been playing American Revolution and I was George Washington and he was Moses (from a TV show). "What will we do Monday?" I asked Guillermo. "We'll play with friends" he said, naming off a few.  OK, I said, and I thanked him for making me feel better. "Now, let's play," he said and we were back to the map to find a trail to our next target.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am sorry to hear that you were so sad today when your friends moved away. and it's not like they are moving to a state zealand!!?? i know it must be hard, but just hold on to all those memories. you are a wonderful, so i know she knew everything that you had wanted to tell her! hang in there, sweetie!!
love you