Monday, June 30, 2008

Salsa Cinderella

Guillermo, over the weekend.

As I've said before, Guillermo loves knights (guarders, as he calls them) and since knights protect castles, he likes them, too. And, because kings and queens and princes and princesses live in castles, he likes them too. So, persuading him to see the puppet show "Salsa Cinderella" today at the library was pretty easy. 

I'm so glad we went. 

Grey Seal Puppets put on the show and it was hilarious. Cinderella was a red chili pepper and the prince was a green chili pepper. ("I'm a pepper, too," he said to Cinderella when he met her). The step sisters were an onion and a bulb of garlic. The show was funny, had good music (salsa, of course) and the puppets were great. Maya was a bit scared of the green chili pepper prince, and, really, I don't blame her. He wasn't the prettiest prince charming I've ever seen. Maya loved the mouse as the narrator, though. The show ran about 45 minutes and Guillermo and Maya sat through nearly all of it before we left to get books. After watching the princess tale, Guillermo made sure to pick out some manly books: Two Incredible Hulk comic books (for kids). I read them to him before he had story time with Will at bedtime. He then asked Will to read them to him. He went to bed a happy, happy guy. 


Anonymous said...

so, i sometimes follow blogher links - you were in one!! how exciting. i hope all is well and my future daughter-in-law is enjoying her summer with her brother. i'm getting more uncomfortable, but it's the life of a 7.5 month preggo. follow my link, you'll know who it is there. i like to stay incognito on the webs.

Grey Seal Puppets said...

Hello from Grey Seal Puppets!

We found your cool blog on Salsa Cinderella and wanted to thank you so much. I'm glad you came to the show. It's always fun performing "under the stars" at the Kannapolis library. I hope to see you all there again next summer!
All the best and adios from Drew Allison, Salsa Cinderella puppeteer