Thursday, June 25, 2009


Maya, painting her bird house.

Guillermo, working on his plane.

Today we: Built an Ewok village, went to swim lessons, ate lunch, played at the pool, bought socks, went bowling, bought chocolate chips and a snack at Whole Foods, built a model stealth bomber and a birdhouse (from the $1 wooden kits at Michaels), made muffins, made pancakes, read books and ate dinner before I escaped for an hour before bedtime books. I'm exhausted, but we had fun. 

Guillermo loved bowling, Maya said it was too loud. But, she loved the shoes. I think it's time to sign her up for some tap dance lessons. 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds like a fun day although I'm tired just hearing about it! The kids must be having a great summer thanks to their awesome mom.