Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Green hands

I turn my back for a few seconds and this is what happens. Maya ditched the paint brush and decided to finger paint, or hand paint. 

It's not that I minded so much, it's just that I wasn't expecting her to do it and now I'm afraid she's going to do it over and over and over again. She was so proud of herself (and I encouraged her by taking pictures) that when the garbage truck driver pulled up in front of our house, she ran to the end of the driveway to show him her Incredible Hulk-like hands.

Oh, and notice her new shoes. They are from my niece's collection that came in the mail with a ton of other shoes, clothes, swim suits and leotards that no longer fit Lily. Maya was so happy to be wearing these that she stopped nearly everyone she saw this morning to point them out. "Shoes, shoes," she would say pointing at them. When she first put them on, I heard her say "shoes, beauiful." That was before they had green paint all over them. 

 I took the kids strawberry picking with some friends yesterday. We had a great time and came away with a lot of strawberries (I even made a strawberry pie with them today). Last year when we went, Maya was so little I carried her on my back while Guillermo and I picked. This year, she wanted two baskets for picking. She mostly just held out her baskets and I filled them with strawberries. It took her awhile before she realized she could eat them while we picked. Then she wasn't of much help at all. 

Guillermo took off with his friends. They picked for awhile and then just ran and ran between the rows of strawberries. It had rained the day before, making the strawberry patch pretty muddy. All the more fun for him. 

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