Friday, May 23, 2008

Part of a tantrum

Guillermo, after strawberry picking earlier this week.

I was exhausted today, like I've been all week. I can't seem to get enough sleep, partly because I don't go to bed until 11 p.m. or later and one night, 12:30 a.m., but normally I can get through the day if I'm up that late. Not today.

I put Maya down for her nap this afternoon and so desperately wanted to nap myself but Guillermo was in his room playing so I took a magazine into his room and said: "We can make muffins in a little bit (I had promised earlier), but first I'm going to lay down on your bed and read this article and rest."

"Ok, mom."

Not a minute later, Guillermo said he had to go to the bathroom. I went in to check on him a few minutes later.
"Mom, can I play a computer game?" he asked.
"Not right now. I'm going to finish my magazine and then we are going to make muffins."
"Mom, please."
"Not right now. I'll help you in five minutes. Mommy needs a break."
"You are making me angry," he said. 
"I'll help you in five minutes but if you keep asking me I won't help you. Give me five minutes."
I could hear him getting frustrated but I walked out, fully aware that within a minute he would likely  be in full-blown tantrum mode and would wake up Maya. I didn't care. I was too tired myself.

Funny thing happened, though. I didn't hear much from Guillermo, except some footsteps from the bathroom. I finished my article and then found Guillermo where I had left him. 
"Are you ready?" I asked. "Thanks for waiting patiently." 
"I was waiting, mom. I didn't throw a tantrum."
"Good," I said. "And, now I'll help you with your game. Thanks for not getting angry and throwing a tantrum."
"I was angry and I threw my underwear across the bathroom," he said. "But I put them back on."
"Good, I'm glad you didn't get really angry and have a big tantrum."
"I just had a tiny part of tantrum," he said proudly.

With that, I helped him into the computer chair so he could play a few games of Wow Wow Wubbzy before his friend arrived for a playdate.

1 comment:

jeninphx said...

i laughed OUT LOUD reading this entry!! he threw his underwear across the room!? how funny is that!! reading about your day and my niece and nephew are the highlights of my day! i miss them already!!
perhaps i will try the throwing of the underwear next time i have a tantrum!

love you all
