Sunday, November 23, 2008

She's sassy

I took Maya and Guillermo to the video store to pick up a movie for movie night tonight. We ended up with a Backyardigans, a Veggie Tales and a Dora video. 

Guillermo and Maya always want to the carry their videos out themselves, but I've noticed a sign at the video store that warns against letting kids touch the DVDs because they play with them and scratch them, etc. Lately I've been trying to get my kids out of the store before I hand them their videos (in their plastic case, no less) that way the video store staff doesn't see my kid touching, scratching, rubbing rocks on, throwing and doing whatever else it is they do to the DVDs that don't belong to us. 

Tonight, however, Maya, wearing her sassy leopard print wool jacket, wanted her Dora video and she wanted it NOW. She didn't throw a fit, she just kept whining. I ignored it and motioned for her to follow us out the door. 

I swear I saw and heard her do this:

First, she sighed a loud "Hmpf." Then, she crossed her arms defiantly and then, for extra measure, she stomped her foot and turned her angry face away from mine. 

It was great. She has the move down perfectly. I wanted to smile and congratulate her on mastering the pout so well at such a young age. I do that move all the time, in my head, when I don't get my way. 

Instead, I ignored it, and called for her again. She left the store with me, no kicking or screaming involved. 


jeninphx said...

ha ha!!
wow--what a diva!! i so can't wait to get there in december!!! and don't we all do that (either in our heads or literally??!!)


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry I'm missing this!