Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mommy blogger

Sorry for the lack of postings this week.

I've been getting ready for my new blog assignment. Starting this week, I'll be a regular blogger on the new Raleigh News & Observer's Mom2Mom web site. A test launch starts today, mainly to newspaper employees.  The site should be ready for the public in mid-May. I'll send a link when it's officially up and running. There will be seven regular mommy bloggers and my blog will be posted every Sunday. If you like it, please leave comments. If you disagree with what I say, please leave comments. Always, please leave comments. That's what lets me know people are reading.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your new blog. I'm looking forward to seeing your name in the paper again. As your mother you know I'll let you know what I think. :)

jeninphx said...


that is awesome! god for you. i look forward to more great stories about you and the kids. oh, and will, too!!

jeninphx said...

oopss!! that meant to say "GOOD" for you!! ;)

Julie said...

Congrats! It will be cool to see your work in print again! I will always provide feedback, whether you ask or not! :) Love you!