Monday, April 14, 2008

What fish?

Maya, at a picnic on Friday.

Guillermo, taking another look at Tito.

At breakfast, I asked Guillermo if he wanted to feed Tito. 

"You can, mom," he said. 

Great. Not even 24 hours after getting the fish, Guillermo is over it. And Tito's water looks cloudy and the plant in his bowl is floating at the top. I read on the instructions it should clear up, but I moved Tito to the kitchen so I could keep an eye on him most of the day. 

Guillermo seemed a little more interested this afternoon, but I think it was only because Maya snatched two pellets out of my hand and threw them in the fish bowl before I could hand them to Guillermo. 

"Maya can't ever come into my room again," Guillermo cried.

Later I asked Guillermo if he even talked to Tito today. 

"I said 'good morning' to him," he answered. 

Tonight, though, Guillermo asked me to bring Tito back to his room at bedtime. He told Will he wanted to be able to see him while he slept.

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