I knew that pulling it out with my fingers was not the proper way to remove a tick, but I didn't have tweezers, or really even the proper knowledge that you are supposed to remove ticks with tweezers. I just wanted it off my baby. Guillermo had no idea and didn't complain once.
I was grossed out. Then, a little bit later in the middle of Guillermo's game, I saw a small tick moving on my arm. I swatted it away, horrified.
I felt creepy all day and it turns out I felt creepy for good reason. I discovered another tick on the back of my neck this evening. I shrieked and Will went to get the tweezers out of my makeup bag (note to self: buy several pairs of tweezers). I knew I was setting a bad example for Guillermo, but he was so sweet.
"Do you need a kiss?" he asked and leaned into me as I sat with my head bent over and my hand holding up my hair.
Guillermo shined a flashlight on the back of my head as Will removed the tick. After some quick research, I now know the symptons to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (fever, aches, vomiting) and Lyme Disease (expanded red bump, with a center that may become clear)
We didn't have to worry about this last summer because we were in Colorado. Now, I'm dreading this summer and the daily bug check, which I gave to Guillermo tonight. I feel like I should go wake up Maya to give her one too. Even as I type, I am scowling. I want to move to a treeless subdivision.
I am so not a country girl.
UPDATE: I snuck into Maya's room with a flashlight and started checking her for ticks. I was checking her hair and neck when she woke up. I think I scared her but since she was awake ... I picked her up and did a better check. I think she is clear. I think.
the joys of life. wallace once stayed on a farm and i pulled numerous fat ticks off of him every time i saw him. granted he wasn't my baby, but it was gross none the less.i'll keep my fingers crossed you don't the lyme's or rocky mountain spots.
Ticks, yuck!Never had a tick here, Bradley is an engineering university, and you would have free babysitting. Give it some thought.
YUCK!!! I have never had a tick here! You would have EVEN more great things to write about with Lily and Tony near by. We have NCAR, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado ( a western UNC ) and plenty of other places for Will to work. In addition, the DNC will be held in Denver this year! :) Give it some thought.
ticks!!?? no biggie. ,me and will grew up with them, we grew up [kinda] fine. olive oil and alcohol (not the kind you drink) works well, too. also, you can burn them with a match. those are the great things you learn living in the country!! always fun!!
Watching this YouTube video of Brad Paisley singing his hit song, "I want to check you for ticks," might make you enjoy the process more.
I don't think I have ever seen a tick. My husband finds them on my dog occasionally. I'm sure we've had them and missed them. Because I am just that kind of a slacker Mom!!!
Did I forget to add the URL?
Hey Natalie! This might make you feel better...ticks have to be actively stuck on your for a minimum of 18-36 hours to transmit any disease. So you and the kids are pretty low-risk when you get them out so fast. Flipper has an unusual reaction to them and whatever part of her has been bitten swells to 2-3x the normal size. Last summer she had one bite her ear; I will send you a picture. Prepare to be horofied. And then laugh. Loved meeting you at lunch.
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